Monday, May 14, 2007

Has MLK's Dream been Realized?

African Americans have been protesting for civil rights for a long time and the Civil Rights Movement helped to change that. From my research, I found that the whites are still "favored" over blacks. The unemployment rate for African Americans for 204 was 10.4% whereas the unemployment rate for whites was 4.8%. The African American Unemployment rate in 1985 was 15.1% and kept going down until 2000 (7.6%) but then it started to rise from 2002 (10.2) to 2003 (10.8%) and then it fell in 2004 to 10.4%. The white unemployment rate for that time follwed a similar pattern, but with lower percentages.
African Americans fought for equality. When you look at the Full Time Wage and Salary chart, you can see that they didn't get equality. The white's average weekly earnings was $657 and the black's was $525. That is a difference of $132 weekly and that comes out to about a $6864 difference yearly. That is not equal.
Martin Luther King Jr's dream has been realized somewhat when looking at labor factors, but definitley needs some improvement. The unemployment rate has overrall gone down, but the wages of whites compared to blacks is drastic and something needs to be done about that.


Meredith said...


Bitter_Sweet_Symphony said...

AL al my gal pal is really...awsome